Engage. Inspire. Empower.

Experience High School in Catawba County
students collaborating together

Experience High School in Catawba County

With 5 outstanding traditional high schools, one unique early college high school that allow students to dual-enroll in college and earn an associate degree simultaneously with their high school degree, a career and arts magnet school that is career-focused, and the option to complete your entire high school graduation requirements online through Online Catawba, Catawba County Schools offers an educational experience for all types of student learners. 

Empowering You with Choices for Your High School Education

In addition to the pathways outlined at our traditional high schools, qualifying students can apply for acceptance into one of our non-traditional high school options. Catawba County residents may attend any of the non-traditional schools at no extra charge but may be required to provide their own transportation.

Our High School Curriculum is Personalized

High School Curriculum

We want to know our students - and have each of them be known! Catawba County Schools makes secondary education better by personalizing learning whenever possible. By tailoring education to fit individual strengths, needs, skills, and interests, each student receives a learning plan that's based on what he/she knows and how he/she learns best. Read on to discover what our students will learn throughout their secondary education. 

View the 2025-26 HS Curriculum Guide

District Contact

Stephen Westmoreland

Director, Secondary Education

p. 828.464.8333


Young student looking at camera with arms folded atop books

Specialized Services

Personalizing learning means meeting the needs of all of our students. We are proud to offer programs for: 

Career and Technical Education gives students opportunities to figure out what they are passionate about and want to do - and not do - after high school.

Students explore a range of career options based on what they love to do and do well. CTE courses are provided through seven pathway sectors. Learn more in the CTE Curriculum Guide and on the District's CTE website.