Homeless Services
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program
We believe that every child deserves a quality education, and we understand that students who are homeless may require additional services to have equal access to the CCS educational experience. We are committed to serving the full range of their varied needs and addressing their unique circumstances as explained below.
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act states that a child or youth is considered homeless if he or she “lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.”
- Temporarily live with relatives or friends because they have nowhere else to go (typically due to financial constraints). This is also referred to as being “doubled up.”
- Live in shelters or transitional housing (Salvation Army, Family Care Center, First Steps).
- Live in motels, abandoned buildings, cars, tents, or on the streets.
- Run away, leave, or are thrown out of their parent’s/guardian’s home (unaccompanied youth).
- Live in housing not fit for habitation (i.e., lack of electricity or water for an extended period of time).
- Be immediately enrolled in school without a permanent address.
- Continue in the school that the student attended before becoming homeless or be enrolled in the local school where they are living, depending on their best interest.
- Go to school, no matter where the student lives or how long he/she has lived there.
- Enroll and attend classes while the school arranges for the transfer of required school records or documents.
- Enroll and attend classes even while the school and parent seek to resolve a dispute over enrollment.
- Receive transportation to his/her school of origin as long as he/she is homeless, or if the student becomes permanently housed, receive transportation until the end of the academic school year as long as it is in the child’s best interest.
- Participate in tutoring, school-related activities, and/or receive other support services.
- Receive free school meals.
If you believe your children may be eligible, contact the local liaison for Catawba County Schools, Maria Ballard, Maria_Ballard@catawbaschools.net at (828) 464-8333, extension 180434 to find out what services and supports may be available.
For more information about McKinney Vento Act visit North Carolina Homeless Education Program (NCHEP) at https://hepnc.uncg.edu. For statewide information, contact Lisa Phillips, State Coordinator at 336-543-4285 or lphillip@serve.org.