Practice Test
**Caution - there are lots of practice test sites on the internet. They will appear to be from the DMV. Most are private sites and not associated with the official NCDOT/DMV. Make sure they are using the most current version of the handbook (2018.). Also pay attention because some sites will make you pay. There are plenty of free ones available.
- NC DMV Online Practice Test (From the 2018 North Carolina driver handbook)
(There are 10 Practice tests on this site - all are linked across the top of the page. Passing score is 80%. Sign Test passing score is 9 out of 12 signs correctly identified.) - Sample Test Questions from NCDOT
- NC Driving School Practice Tests- this is a credible site. A lot of school districts contract out their driver's ed courses and training through them.
- Online Sign Test - Students can practice online.