Engage. Inspire. Empower.

Bus/Transportation Information

Find Your Bus Route

Our bus routes are organized by "feeder area".  CCS students matriculate to or "feed into" the next level of schooling according to "feeder areas." This structure provides a way to coordinate and improve delivery of instruction and other services such as bus transportation and food service.

Each feeder area is organized top-down, according to the high school the students will ultimately attend. If you are unsure of which feeder area your school falls under, you can view our feeder area chart here.

Beginning of the year bus route information will be sent out to parents via Parent Square. For bus information throughout the year, please contact your child's school. 


Please call your school with questions, concerns, or changes to bus stops.

Help us keep our bus riders safe!

Please check out this video from NCDOT for bus safety procedures!


1. Parents and students should be mindful of traffic and surroundings when approaching any bus stop location. 

2. Students should always follow the directions and/or hand signals given by the bus driver. Students must also watch for approaching vehicles and other hazards when boarding the bus or crossing streets and highways. Watch this VIDEO to see a demonstration of  hand signal procedures that have been passed into law .

3. Stop sign violations should be reported as soon as possible if witnessed. Please include a description of the vehicle, driver, and license plate number if possible.

4. Remind friends and family to always be on alert when driving during the times students are being picked up and dropped off by school buses. Drivers should always slow down and prepare to stop when the amber warning lights are lit on a school bus. If the red warning lights are illuminated, the vehicle should stop at a safe distance from the bus.