What makes a good Online Catawba student?
To be successful, an online student must want to succeed. Online learning requires independence, self-motivation, responsibility, and a certain level of maturity. Online classes are also reading intensive; students are expected to comprehend information from their online materials and apply it to work assigned to them.
Two key advantages of online learning are flexibility and convenience.
However, online learning is more challenging than it may seem. Online courses require just as much, if not more, time and energy as traditional classroom courses. They also require specific computer skills and learning strategies to succeed.
The skills and characteristics below are those that every student should possess before enrollment in an online course:
- Goal-Oriented: Successful online students must be self-disciplined and task-oriented as they complete their weekly assignments, post responses, and coursework to be graded, and engage in dialogue with their teachers and classmates.
- Proficient Readers and Communicators: Reading and writing are the primary methods of communicating in an online class. Students should be comfortable reading documents on a computer screen and possess adequate typing skills. Some assessments and assignments are in multiple-choice format while others involve significant writing, both long and short responses.
- Ability to Set a Schedule and Keep It: Online instructors expect students to be organized. Students must maintain a schedule that allows them to meet course deadlines. Students should access their courses daily to be successful. Online learning requires a student to be disciplined and committed to his/her learning.
- Ability to Maintain a Good Study Environment: Students should have daily access to a reliable internet connection. It is recommended that students complete their assignments in conditions that best suit his/her learning style and needs. For example, find a quiet location away from distractions (i.e. television, loud music, cell phones, and other people).
- Possession of Basic Technical Skills: Online learners need basic technical skills to succeed. Here is a list of some basic skills students are expected to possess:
- Create and share documents using his/her CCS Google Drive account
- Send and receive emails with attachments
- Upload, download, and manage course files including multimedia files
- Communicate effectively and promptly via email with instructors
- Navigate the Internet
- Display a basic understanding of interactive web-based tools
- Maintain Open Communication with Teachers - Students will be expected to read, reply, and write messages to the teachers using the learning management system (LMS) and Catawba County Schools (CCS) email. Parents are also encouraged to provide contact information for teachers to share updates on student progress.