CCS Superintendent Named Northwest Region Superintendent of the Year
Dr. Matthew Stover was recognized as the recipient of the 2023-24 NWRESA Superintendent of the Year at Monday evening's Board of Education meeting. NWRESA Executive Director Dr. Stewart L. Hobbs joined Catawba County Schools' BOE members in announcing this honor and congratulating him.
The Catawba County BOE also presented a certificate to Dr. Stover.
Dr. Stover will represent the Northwest Region as one of eight finalists for the North Carolina Superintendent of the Year.
Dr. Matt Stover pictured with wife Melia, sons Will and Josh, and BOE members.
Dr. Stover pictured with guests Jack Hoke (Executive Director of NC Supt. Association), Dr. Stewart L. Hobbs (Executive Director of NWRESA), Dr. Aron Gabriel (Supt of N-CCS), and BOE members.