Engage. Inspire. Empower.

CCS Visual Arts

Scholastic Art Awards 2023

Photograph of car driving through water
Photograph of female standing in shadows
Colored pencil drawing of white siding church
Painting of watercolor palette
Illustration of female students feet under a school desk
Photograph of a pepper
Clay sculpture of armadillo
Color painting of a small plane
pencil illustration of girl applying makeup with a brush

Visit our Visual Arts Sites by clicking on the school icons below!

Arndt logo and colored pencils

Arndt Middle School 

Blackburn Bobcat logo and paint brushes

Blackburn Elementary

Challenger phoenix logo and colored pencils

Challenger ECHS 

JFMS Jaguar logo and colored pencils

Jacobs Fork Middle 

MHS logo with devil head and colored pencils

Maiden High School

Oxford cubs logo and paintbrushes

 Oxford Elementary

SSE logo chief head and paintbrushes

St. Stephens Elem. 

Balls creek owl logo and paintbrushes

Balls Creek Elementary

Bunker Hill logo and colored pencils

Bunker Hill High School 

Claremont Bear logo with paintbrushhes

Claremont Elementary 

LCES Logo alligator on book with paintbrushes

Lyle Creek Elementary 

MCMS Knight logo and colored pencils

Mill Creek Middle 

RBMS logo pirate with paintbrushes

River Bend Middle 

SSHS logo with colored pencils

St. Stephens HS 

Trojan head logo in school colors

Bandys High School

Catawba Elem logo with rocket and paintbrushes

Catawba Elementary 

Clyde Campbell visual arts button logo

Clyde Campbell Elem.  

Maiden Elem Eagle Logo and paintbrushes

Maiden Elementary

MVES logo with paintbrushes

Mt. View Elementary 

Sherrills Ford Tiger Logo with paintbrushes

Sherrills Ford Elem.

Startown tiger logo and paintbrushes

 Startown Elementary

Banoak horse head logo and paintbrushes

Banoak Elementary 

CREC Cobra logo with colored pencils

Catawba Rosenwald 

Foard logo tiger with colored pencils

Fred T Foard HS 

Maiden logo M with wildcat head and colored pencils

Maiden Middle School

Murray mustang logo and paintbrushes

Murray Elementary 

Snow Creek panther logo and paintbrushes

Snow Creek Elem.

Tuttle Turtle logo and paintbrushes

 Tuttle Elementary

FTFHS art student works on pencil drawing

District Arts Calendar

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